Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Teaching staff

Piano faculty

Овчинников Владимир Павлович
Head of the Department of Piano
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation
Левитина Татьяна Павловна
Head of Piano Department
Honored artist of Russian Federation
Зеликман Татьяна Абрамовна
Professor of Special Piano Department
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation
Носина Вера Борисовна
Professor of Special Piano Department
Honored Worker of the Arts Industry of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of Kyrgyzstan
Рацер Дмитрий Евгеньевич
Professor of Special Piano Department
Тропп Владимир Мануилович
Professor of Special Piano Department
Honored Worker of the Arts Industry of the Russian Federation, Honored Professor at the China Conservatory of Music in Beijing (China)
Домбровский Павел Анатольевич
Associate Professor of Special Piano Department
Плужник Людмила Вадимовна
Associate Professor of Special Piano Department
Семенов Михаил Андреевич
Associate Professor of Special Piano Department
Хитев Святослав Евгеньевич
Associate Professor of Special Piano Department
Visiting Professor at the School of Music Shenyang University Changzhi (China)
Тарасова Евгения Борисовна
Senior Lecturer in Special Piano Department
Данилова Ольга Сергеевна
Senior Lecturer in Special Piano Department, Concert Master
The first type of concert master
Липс Святослав Фридрихович
Senior Lecturer in Special Piano Department
Фисейский Александр Владимирович
Head of Organ and Harpsichord Department
Honored artist of the Russian Federation
Филиппова Ольга Андреевна
Professor of Organ and Harpsichord Department
Кравец Марина Викторовна
Director of the Music Master Training Department
Власов Виктор Александрович
Professor, Head of the Department of Piano Accompaniment
Honored Worker in the Field of Education in the Russian Federation
Сергеев Евгений Александрович
Lecturer at the Music Master Training Department

Orchestral faculty

Кошванец Алексей Анатольевич
Head of the Department for concert work, Head of the Department of Violin and Viola, Minister of Music and Educational Activities Development
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
Готсдинер Михаил Аронович
Professor of violin and baritone
Honored artist of the Russian Federation
Иголинский Владислав Григорьевич
Professor of violin and baritone
Honored artist of the Russian Federation
Хахамов Дмитрий Цавич
Professor of violin and baritone
Honored artist of the Russian Federation
Ваганова Ольга Игоревна
Dean of Orchestral Faculty
Тонха Владимир Константинович
Head of the Department of Cello, Double Bass and Harp
People's Artist of the Russian Federation
Агазарян Мильда Митревна
Professor of cello, double bass, and harp
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation
Бельский Александр Андреевич
Professor of cello, double bass, and harp
Honored artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of the Arts Industry of the Russian Federation
Провотарь Владислав Владимирович
Associate Professor of Cello, Double Bass, and Harp Department
Дегтярева Валентина Ивановна
Head of the Department of Woodwinds
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation
Вальс Владислав Валерьевич
Professor of Woodwind Instruments Department
Мозговенко Николай Васильевич
Professor of Woodwind Instruments Department
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation
Оленчик Иван Федорович
Professor of Woodwind Instruments Department
Honored artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of MMO
Друтин Леонид Борисович
Associate Professor of Woodwind Instruments Department, Senior Lecturer of Orchestra and Percussion Instruments Department
Докшицер Владимир Александрович
Head of the brass instrument department
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation
Лукьянов Дмитрий Михайлович
Head of Department of Percussion Instruments
Honored artist of the Russian Federation

Faculty of folk instruments

Селиванов Александр Владимирович
Dean of Faculty of Folk Instruments
Липс Фридрих Робертович
Head of Department of Bayan and Accordion
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation
Семенов Вячеслав Анатольевич
Professor of Accordion and Accordion Department
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation
Сидоров Юрий Александрович
Professor of Accordion and Accordion Department
Honored artist of the Russian Federation
Власова Мария Владимировна
Associate Professor of Accordion and Accordion Department
Горбачев Андрей Александрович
Head of the Department of Guitar, Domra, Balalaika
Круглов Вячеслав Павлович
Professor of the Department of String and Folk Instruments
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation
Мурин Дмитрий Алексеевич
Associate Professor of the Department of String and Folk Instruments

Faculty of vocal studies

Агин Михаил Суренович
Head of the Department of Solo singing №1
Honored Worker of the Arts Industry of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation
Дмитриева Наталья Анатольевна
Dean of Faculty of Vocal Studies
Honored Worker of Education of Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of Mongolia
Науменко Александр Анатольевич
Head of the Department of Solo singing №2
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation
Стародубровская Екатерина Валерьевна
Professor of the Second Solo Department
Захаров Александр Александрович
Senior Lecturer of the Second Solo Department
Honored artist of the Russian Federation

Faculty of conducting

Чуков Сергей Алексеевич
Head of the Department of Choral Conducting
Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Апексимова Маргарита Михайловна
Dean of Faculty of Conducting
Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Рыжинский Александр Сергеевич
Laureate of the Russian Government Prize, Honorary Worker of the Russian Federation Education Sector
Сорокин Владимир Иванович
Professor of Choral Conducting Department
Морозов Денис Игоревич
Dean of Faculty of Modern Music Industry
Зива Владимир Петрович
Head of the Department of Symphonic Orchestra and Opera conducting
Honored Worker of the Arts Industry of the Russian Federation
Рейн Андрей Сергеевич
Associate Professor of Opera and Symphony Conducting Department
Лебусов Владимир Григорьевич
Head of the Department of Orchestral Conducting 
Honored artist of the Russian Federation, Honored artist of the Ukrainian SSR

Faculty of folk music performance

Медведева Марина Васильевна
Head of the Department of Choral and Solo Folk Singing
Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Игнатьева Светлана Конопьяновна
Professor of Choral and Folk Solo Singing Department
Honored artist of the Russian Federation
Крошилина Татьяна Дмитриевна
Associate Professor of Chorus and Folk Solo Singing Department
Базиков Александр Сергеевич
Head of the Department of National Instruments of the Peoples of Russia
Honored Worker of the Arts Industry of the Russian Federation

Faculty of music history, theory and composition

Сусидко Ирина Петровна
Head of the Department of Music Analysis
Гервер Лариса Львовна
Professor of Musicology Analysis
Пилипенко Нина Владимировна
Researcher at the Creative Center for Research on Music and Drama Issues, Professor of Analytical Musicology
Цареградская Татьяна Владимировна
Head of Department of international cooperation
Науменко Татьяна Ивановна
Vice-rector for scientific research, Head of the Department of Music Theory
Honored Worker of Education of Russian Federation
Гуляницкая Наталья Сергеевна
Professor of Music Theory
Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Красникова Татьяна Николаевна
Professor of Music Theory
Кирнарская Дина Константиновна
Rector's Advisor, Head of the Department of Music History
Honored Worker in the Field of Education in the Russian Federation
Валькова Вера Борисовна
Professor of Music History
Бодров Кузьма Александрович
Head of the Department of Composition
Климов Петр Александрович
Associate Professor of Composition Department
Мишина Оксана Евгеньевна
Head of the Department of Music Pedagogy
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation 
Агишева Юлия Ивановна
Head of the Department of Musical Journalism
Белогурова Лариса Михайловна
Head of the Department of Ethnomusicology

Faculty of jazz and popular music

Тимофеев Всеволод Константинович
Head of the Department of Instrumental Jazz Performance
Гроховский Валерий Александрович
Vice-rector for secondary prof. education, Director of Gnesins Musical College, Dean of Faculty of Jazz and Popular Music
Бриль Игорь Михайлович
Professor of Jazz Instrumental Performance Department
People’s Artist of the Russian Federation
Осейчук Александр Викторович
Professor of Jazz Instrumental Performance Department
Honored artist of the Russian Federation
Политковская Ксения Валерьевна
Head of the Department of Pop and Jazz Singing

Faculty of modern music industry

Иванов Олег Валентинович
Head of the Department of Performing Arts Production
Родионова Дарья Геннадьевна
Head of the Department of Music Management
Михлин Александр Владимирович
Head of the Department of Sound Engineering