Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Library & educational facilities

Vera V. Inkatova
Ground floor, Main Academy Building
10:00 – 19:00 (mon-fri) 10:00 – 18:00 (sat)
Library for students of the Gnesin State Musical College
7th floor, College Building, view map ↗
Reading room
5th floor, Main Academy Building, view map ↗
How can I find the library?
View Interactive map of the Academy
How to use online library services?
How can I get a library pass?
The Academy has created and is constantly improving the environment for students’ autonomous studies and research work. The library services take into account the specifics of reading materials and imply a differentiated approach to the reader. The previously introduced new system of individual library services for students is expanding with introduction of new components: e-mailing; constant updating of the library’s electronic catalogue, which is fully available through the local network of the Academy; new modules “Book Supply” and search engine “Discovery”. Within the framework of cooperation with Russian Foundation for Basic Research students and teaching staff of the Academy have free unlimited access to the information platform of “Elsevier” publishing house (full–text database ScienceDirect – the leading information platform for scientists, teachers, students, specialists, which contains 25% of the world’s scientific publications).


The library fund

The educational process is fully provided with educational and methodical resources and learning materials f or all practical training courses and disciplines. The main source of learning and methodical information is the library fund of the Academy and electronic library systems (ELS). The library fund contains educational, methodical and scientific literature, audiovisual and electronic documents, printed and electronic editions of educational literature, as well as publications of musical works, textbooks, scores, claviers, multimedia materials.. A significant part of it constitutes the most complete collection of publications of Russian and foreign musical art works.

Library information resources

The implementation of educational programs is based on the principle that each student has access to all library information resources (through a personal account in electronic informational and educational environment (EIEE)) that contain materials for studied disciplines and are formed by concluding direct contracts with copyright holders of educational, methodical and other literature. These ELS are: ELS «Publishing house „LAN“ ↗ (allows to publish final works by the Academy graduates and provides special opportunities for individuals with disabilities); Publishing house „YURAIT“ ↗. The number of users in all ELS is unlimited. ELS used by the Academy fully comply with the requirements of HEFSS.

Students of the Academy have access to the local library and ELS ↗ through the local computer network. The Academy also offers free Wi-Fi network ↗ with access to all ELS.