Library & educational facilities


Classes, concert halls and equipment

College building

The Academy has the necessary equipment and technical base for the implementation of the educational process that fully meet the requirements of syllabuses. The Academy is based in four buildings suitable for educational and scientific activities; there is also a student dormitory in a separate building assigned to the Academy.

The level of educational equipment meets the requirements of the HEFSS. The Academy has a large set of musical instruments: more than 80 types with more than 800 instruments available for use and suitable for persons with disabilities. Educational and training facilities have the necessary equipment, including video projection and sound amplifying equipment, computers, a library and collections of video/audio footage, as well as a studio and much more.

A musician needs to practice regularly to improve his or her technique. Therefore, the Academy uses its classroom-based resources. To reserve a classroom on your own, you must visit the Control Room and leave your student ID card in exchange for the classroom key. If there are no vacant classrooms, you can wait until some of them get free. As a rule, there are free classrooms either early in the morning or in the evening, after 6 pm.
Note! Often lost things (student ID cards, grade books and bank cards) are brought to the Control Room.

If you are a student of the Academy, you can lease a musical instrument for training. Contact the Musical Instruments Storage Department along with your teacher. Then you can select an instrument and sign a lease agreement. This is a fee-based service. The term of agreement amounts to 1 academic year. Before the summer holidays, the instrument should be returned to the Musical Instruments Storage Department (Location: Main Academy Building, behind the stage of the Large concert hall, vew map; E-mail:

Control room of the Academy (Classroom management Department) contacts:

Popular topics:

Control Room of the Gnesin State Musical College contacts:

  • Ground floor of the College Building (view map)

Control room of the Musical College of Pop and Jazz Art contacts:

  • Bldg. 1, 27/6, Bolshaya Ordynka Str., Moscow
    Tel.: +7 (495) 953-58-80

The classrooms available in the academic buildings comprise:

  • classes for individual studies, including those with special equipment or musical instruments installed in them;
  • classes for small groups (up to 15 seats);
  • classes for lectures (up to 30 seats), including specialized computer classes equipped with computers, acoustic consoles, CD players, sound processors;
  • auditoriums (up to 50 seats), including those for special needs: a class for orchestral rehearsals, dance hall, etc.;
  • large auditoriums (up to 100 seats) for lectures and rehearsals of music ensembles;
  • Large and Small concert halls (503 and 100 seats), Shuvalova’s Music room (100 seats), Chamber hall (50 seats), Organ concert room (50 seats);
  • two concert halls with 312 seats and 120 seats in the College building;
  • language laboratory;
  • reading room;
  • sound engineering studio;
  • audio-video recording laboratory;
  • canteen;
  • sports hall and gym.

The equipment and technical base is constantly updated as part of the long-term financial plan of the Academy available for review on the official website.

Large concert hall

Learn more about concert halls at the Gnesin Academy of Music (russian)


The Academy has created and is constantly improving the environment for students’ autonomous studies and research work. The library services take into account the specifics of reading materials and imply a differentiated approach to the reader. The previously introduced new system of individual library services for students is expanding with introduction of new components: e-mailing; constant updating of the library’s electronic catalogue, which is fully available through the local network of the Academy; new modules “Book Supply” and search engine “Discovery”. Within the framework of cooperation with Russian Foundation for Basic Research students and teaching staff of the Academy have free unlimited access to the information platform of “Elsevier” publishing house (full–text database ScienceDirect – the leading information platform for scientists, teachers, students, specialists, which contains 25% of the world’s scientific publications).


The educational process is fully provided with educational and methodical resources and learning materials f or all practical training courses and disciplines. The main source of learning and methodical information is the library fund of the Academy and electronic library systems (ELS). The library fund contains educational, methodical and scientific literature, audiovisual and electronic documents, printed and electronic editions of educational literature, as well as publications of musical works, textbooks, scores, claviers, multimedia materials.. A significant part of it constitutes the most complete collection of publications of Russian and foreign musical art works.

The implementation of educational programs is based on the principle that each student has access to all library information resources (through a personal account in electronic informational and educational environment (EIEE)) that contain materials for studied disciplines and are formed by concluding direct contracts with copyright holders of educational, methodical and other literature. These ELS are: ELS “Publishing house “LAN” (allows to publish final works by the Academy graduates and provides special opportunities for individuals with disabilities); Publishing house “YURAIT”. The number of users in all ELS is unlimited. ELS used by the Academy fully comply with the requirements of HEFSS.

Students of the Academy have access to the local library and ELS through the local computer network . The Academy also offers free Wi-Fi network with access to all ELS.


Library for students of the Academy and the Musical College of Pop and Jazz Art contacts:

  • Director: Vera V. Inkatova
  • Tel.:  +7 (495) 691-56-62 / +7 (495) 697-64-96
  • E-mail:
  • Location: Ground floor, Main Academy Building (view map)
  • Reading room: 5th floor, Main Academy Building (view map)
  • Opening hours: 10:00 – 19:00 (mon-fri) 10:00 – 18:00 (sat)
Library for students of the Gnesin State Musical College contacts:

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Student dormitory

The accommodation fee is set by the Academy and updated each year. Students who live in the dormitory must follow certain rules.

Places in the dormitory are limited and provided for the entire period of study for students studying on a budgetary basis. If you study on a paid basis, the accommodation in a dormitory is possible, but not guaranteed.

Dormitory check-in procedure:

The dormitory check-in starts on August 25 of each calendar year. The check-in procedure is performed according to the lists of students based on the orders for admission.

Student dormitory

To check into a dormitory, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Application 
  2. Passport (verified translation into Russian) + a copy.
  3. 2 photos 3*4 cm.
  4. Medical certificates: form 086u (a copy); X-ray (fluorography) examination result + a copy (the period of validity is 12 months); report made by a dermatologist concerning your health condition and the result of a laboratory blood test for RW (syphilis) + copies (the period of validity is6 months); blood test for HIV +a copy; certificate issued by a physician with the last date of vaccination against measles and diphtheria (the time interval since the last vaccination should not exceed 10 years).
  5. PCR test for the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) made within 3 calendar days after your arrival in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  6. The residential lease agreement is signed in the dormitory.
  7. The confirmation of payment for accommodation in the dormitory.
Student dormitory contacts:

  • Director: Dmitry V. Slyozkin
  • Tel.: +7 499 195-44-08 (reception desk), +7 499 195-32-17 (manager)
  • E-mail:
  • Location: 96, Horoshevskoe highway, Moscow, Russia

Popular topics:



Sports hall

As a musician must be healthy, you can use the gym facilities offered by the Academy. The sport sections include basketball, football and table tennis.

Multifunctional gym hall location:

12th floor of the College Building (view map)


Student canteen

For students of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music and the Gnesin State Musical College:
One of the main points of attraction for students of the Academy is the canteen and buffet. The canteen offers hot meals, and the menu is updated daily. The canteen menu contains a set lunch for students of the Academy, which includes salad, soup, second course, side dish, tea and bread. The cost of a set lunch is 200 rubles.
In addition to the canteen, the Academy has a buffet where you can buy pastries, coffee and tea.

Location: ground floor between the Main Academy Building and the College building (view map).
The cost of a cup of tea is ≈ 20 rubles
The cost of a cup of coffee is ≈ 80 rubles
Cash and cards are accepted.

For students of the Musical College of Pop and Jazz Art:
The Musical College has its own lovely buffet. It’s located in the basement of the College (- ground floor).
The cost of lunch at the buffet is ≈ 300 rubles.
The cost of a cup of tea is ≈ 30 rubles
The cost of a cup of coffee is ≈ 80 rubles.

Health care

If you get sick or want to vaccinate against flu, you can visit the Health Center.
4th floor, College Building (view map)
Tel.: +7 495 691-30-88


Note! Wearing a face mask on the territory of the Academy is mandatory!

All students have the right for psychological assistance from Anna L. Simbireva, a psychologist of the Academy.
You can make an appointment by calling: +7 965-146-01-51.