
The Academy has The Gnesins Alumni Employment Service, which is responsible for a set of activities aimed at maintaining relations with employers and graduates, including cooperation with enterprises and organizations – potential employers; collection and analysis of information on current trends in the labor market, the requirements for job seekers, and raising students’ awareness of these matters; development of a vacancies database offered by employers in the fields relevant for graduates of the Academy; promoting the competitiveness of graduates aimed at providing maximum employment opportunities; taking organizational measures to increase the efficiency of graduates’ employment.


Starting from 1944, the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music has produced more then 16,000 specialists. Among these are well-known names in a number of musical genres: Evgeny Svetlanov, Nikolay Nekrasov, Zara Dolukhanova, Timofei Dokshitser, Yuri Kazakov, Lyudmila Zykina, Mikael Tariverdiev, Iosif Kobzon, Vladimir Dashkevich, Victor Eliseev, Vladimir Matorin, Aleksandr Rudin, Irina Otieva, Nadezhda Babkina, Aleksandr Gradsky and Evgeny Kissin.

Not only soloists , but also a number of renowned groups have emerged from the halls of the Gnesins institution: the State Academic Chamber Choir conducted by Vladimir Minin; the Dmitry Pokrovsky Folk Music Theater; and the Vadim Sudakov State Capella of Moscow. Many of the graduates are now professors at the Academy: Valentine Levko, Vladimir Fedoseyev, Ivan Mozgovenko, Konstantin Lisovskii, Vladimir Tonkha, Anatoly Kroll, Friedrich Lips, Andrey Gorbachev and others. New names are heard and seen in courses, posters, forum programs, festivals and conferences. The world’s musical culture is regularly expanded with new names of Gnesins graduates, while the structures of their alma mater remain traditional.


Aram Khachaturyan

The author of ballets Spartacus, the «Sable Dance», waltz from music of Lermontov’s «Masquerade» drama and other famous compositions. Aram began studying music professionally only at the age of 19.
At first he was taken to cello class at the Gnesins college which enrolled both children and adults. Then he was taken to composition class just established by Mikhail Gnessin, the pupil of N.Rimskiy-Korsakov.
Works which Aram had written by the end of the second academic year were so bright that «there was a possibility of their publication». Twenty years later Aram became the professor of composition class. For many years he taught in Moscow Conservatory and the Gnesins State Musical Institute and gave a start to the whole galaxy of well-known Russian composers.

Tikhon Khrennikov

Mikhail Gnessin played the key role in the life of Tikhon Khrennikov. After finishing school in the hometown Yelets, the youth wrote a letter to the famous pedagogue and asked if he could become a composer. M.Gnessin sent a friendly answer and recommended to enter the Gnesins State Musical Institute. T.Khrennikov started his career in this Institute and became a public figure in the music sphere and the first secretary of the USSR Composer Union (from 1948 till 1991). Also, he was the professor and the author of operas, ballets and tens of smash hits including songs from films «Swineheard and Shepherd» (1941), «Hussard Ballad» (1961), «True Friends» (1953) and others. Being a venerable composer T.Khrennikov wrote, «I can say with confidence that two families – the Rubinsteins and the Gnessins – defined the development of musical culture and musical education in Russia…».

Mikael Tariverdiev

Mikael Tariverdiev, the author of four ballets, four operas, organ and chamber opuses, is famous in Russia due to original soundtrack for films «Seventeen Moments of Spring» (1972), «The Irony of Fate» (1974) and the whole number of other films. After studying in Yerevan Conservatory for one year and a half M.Tariverdiev entered the Gnesins State Musical Institute. During the entrance exam he got the mark «5+». The young musician was mesmerized by the institute atmosphere. He wrote to his father, «They treat me here in an absolutely amazing way – I’m literally pampered».  M.Tariverdiev became one of the first pupils of A. Khachaturyan.

Lyudmila Zykina

«The queen of Russian song» L.Zykina was one of the most titled singers of Soviet variety art. She was always in great demand. The Russians inseparably associate her voice with boundless wilderness, white birches, and floods of Mother Volga. Nevertheless, at the peak of her career L.Zykina decided to get higher education. She wanted not only to sing but also to pass folk song art to the younger generation. In 1977 L.Zykina graduated from the Gnesins State Musical Institute. Later along with concert activity she had pedagogical work, of course, at the Gnesin Academy.

Vladimir Fedoseyev

An outstanding Russian conductor with the world name has been artistic director and chief conductor of one of the best Russian orchestras, Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, for more than 40 years. V.Fedoseyev began his artistic career as a bayan-player. In 1957 he graduated from the Gnesins State Musical Institute in bayan class and then he became the head of Russian Folk Instrument Orchestra. According to maestro, the «Narodnik» (folk player) label of a middling musician poisoned his life in conductor activity for many years. However, he never regrets the first specialty, «Folk music contains everything, and everything originates in it. It is wrong to move passing it by. So, it is my wealth».

Joseph Kobzon

Lyric dramatic baritone and noble performing manner of J.Kobzon formed in 70s and became his personal style recognized from the first notes. His repertory remained unchanged for many years, the top songs were «Moments», «Victory Day», «Bow to those great years». Being laureate of Russian Contest of variety performers and participant of the Soviet Union’s most popular television program «Song of the year», he got education at the Gnesins State Musical Institute in academic vocal class. In 1984 he began teaching variety vocal at the Gnesins Academy. Irina Otieva и Valeriya are among his graduates.

David Tukhmanov

The composer David Tukhmanov was involved in Gnesin musical education system since the childhood. His studied in piano class at the ten-year Gnesin school. Then Elena Gnessina took part in the destiny of the talented boy, she encouraged his aspiration for composing music. After finishing school he entered composing department of the Gnesins State Musical Institute which he graduated in 1963. At that time D.Tukhmanov began working in the genre of variety song of both official patriotic character («My Motherland», «My address is the Soviet Union», «Victory Day») and lyric character («Nightingale grove», «These eyes in front of me»). And his conceptual album «On the wave of my memory» became the classic of Russian rock-art.

Alexander Gradsky

The singer, composer and irreplaceable mentor of young performers in television project «Voice», A.Gradsky graduated from solo vocal department of the Gnesins State Musical Institute and then improved vocal mastery at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Academic education has become part of the brand of one of the first Soviet rock singers and let him perform very different repertory, including classic (at the Bolshoi theatre he sang the part of the Astrologer in N.Rimskiy-Korsakov opera «Fairytale about golden cockerel»). The singer has been connected to the Gnessin education system for many years: first he had pedagogical work at the Gnesins college, and then – at the Academy.

Lubov Kazarnovskaya

Having conquered the world leading theatres, the opera diva L.Kazarnovskaya didn’t think about vocal career in school years. She was going to become a philologist but unexpectedly for everybody she filed an application at the Gnesins State Musical Institute and entered the department of musical theatre actors. There she finally became convinced about her destiny to be an opera singer. The young performer finished her academic education at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory but she always remembers the Gnesin Institute nostalgically as the place where she experienced her first success, disappointment and hope.