Creative work

CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS IN FIGURES: Number of winners of prestigious International and All-Russian competitions and festivals among students

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
364 428 488 544 155* 400*

*The dramatic decline can be observed due to numerous postponed and cancelled events because of the pandemic.

Recent creative achievements:

  • The first prize of the 16th International Tchaikovsky Competition in the Classical Voice category – Maria Barakova
  • Grand Prix and Gold medal of the Grand Prix of Nations Champions Competition as part of the 4th European Choral Games in Gothenburg (Sweden) – Altro Coro Gnesins Ensemble of Contemporary Choral Music

    Gnesins ensemble of contemporary choral music ALTRO CORO

  • Grand Prix of New-York Festival TV & Film Awards for creating a soundtrack for a media project –Petr Nalich
  • The first prize of the Stanisław Moniuszko International Competition of Polish Music in Rzeszów (Poland) – Pavel Dombrovsky
  • The first prize of International Piano Competition Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem (Rabat, Morocco) – Daria Lysenko
  • The second prize and a special prize of the 7th Severino Gazzelloni International Flute Competition (Italy) – Fedor Kalashnov
  • Gold medal of the X World Choir Games (Pretoria, South Africa) – Altro Coro Gnesins Ensemble of Contemporary Choral Music
  • Silver medal of the World Trophy World Championship in Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica
  • The third prize of the Jazz Music Festival in Montreux (Switzerland)
  • Silver medal of the International Student Sound Engineering Competition in Milan, the Traditional Studio Recording category
  • and many more.

Gnesins Folk Choir

Due to the creative character of the academic process, informal and unformal education are integral components of studies, the main motivation being the participation in prestigious competitions, festivals, scientific conferences and other projects that contribute to students’ further recognition, as well as participation in international mobility programmes.

All academic and extracurricular achievements of students are reflected in their electronic portfolio, available for review through the Academy’s electronic informational and educational environment (EIEE) (subject to written consent of the student to make the data on his achievements available publicly).

Gnesins “Academic Band” Jazz Orchestra

The Academy has procedures and means to collect and monitor academic achievements of students, based on their portfolios and the general analysis of academic performance. Appropriate measures are then taken based on this information.

According to the local normative act “Rules of changing fee-based study for fees-free study”, special achievements in academic, research, social, cultural, creative and sports activities can be eligible for a motivated transition of a student to a vacant budget place within the relevant educational programme.

The payment of increased academic scholarships is provided for students with high academic performance according to the local act “Regulations on scholarships for students of the Gnesins RAM”.

Master-classes of Gnesins’ professors in Serbia, 2021

Students who not only show good academic performance but also take active part in competitions, festivals, conferences, can also receive an increased scholarship as an incentive measure. Copies of diplomas, certificates, letters of gratitude etc. are stored in personal files of students. A number of students have also been awarded with the rector’s Acknowledgement for participation in major creative projects of the Academy.