Symphony Music/Opera Orchestra Conducting and Artistic Direction of Symphony Music/Opera Orchestra

Faculty Faculty of Conducting
Department Department of Symphonic Orchestra and Opera Conducting
Available degrees Bachelor – 4 years full-time study, 240 ECTS. Master – 3 years full-time study, 180 ECTS.  Specialist (BA+MA equivalent) – 5 years full-time study, 300 ECTS.  Assistantship – 2 years full-time study, 132 ECTS.
Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained

Awards and achievements. Two concerts of student ensembles are given annually. Many students of the department perform eventful concert activities during their studies. The orchestras perform in large concert halls of Moscow and on tours in Dubna, Zvenigorod, Tver, Kostroma, Volgograd, Yaroslavl. In 2013 the Chamber Orchestra became a laureate and holder of the Audience Choice Award (the first prize) at the international festival “European Academies of Music” in Warsaw (conductor A.S. Rein). Gnesin Russian Academy of Music and Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popov implemented the joint project which became one of the most important creative initiatives. They performed the Aleko opera by S.V. Rachmaninoff with the participation of the symphonic orchestra of Gnesin RAM under the direction of A.A. Soloviev, soloists and the Choir of Academy of Choral Art. 

Teaching staff. High-quality training is provided by the experienced teaching staff including Professors, Associate Professors, People’s Artists of the USSR, laureates of the National Award of the USSR, laureates of the National Award of the RF, Honored Art Workers of the RF, laureates of all-Russian and international competitions.

Facilities and resources. The Academy has all the necessary training facilities and resources to ensure high quality of the educational process: computer classes, instruments and concert halls, a library and a record library collections that are regularly replenished, and a reading hall with internet access.

Education. Academic activity is maintained at a high level due to creative and concert performance activities. Students regularly attend concerts of modern proficient performers, master classes of well-known conductors, participate in all-Russian and international competitions. The teaching staff members use student-centered and practice-oriented approaches, give creative interactive classes. Students undertake teaching (at Gnesins State College of Music), professional (in orchestras, ensembles, bands, in the Opera Studio Theater named after Iu.A. Speransky giving musical performances), concert and educational, and pre-graduation internships, participate in research and practice conferences, seminars devoted to art of conducting, art history, music pedagogy, and performance. The best students are allowed to conduct the symphonic orchestra of the academy. )

Employment prospects. Alumni are qualified for artistic direction of symphonic, chamber and opera symphonic orchestra, for concert performances, musical, theatrical and pedagogical activities. Students undertake their internship. Available job positions: conductor / artistic director of symphony music / opera orchestra, teacher.

Strategic partners.The Speransky Opera Studio Theater, the Tchaikovsky Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber group of the State Symphony Orchestra of Russia, the Symphony Orchestra of the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center, the Symphony Orchestra of the Orpheus radio station, the New Russia State Symphony Orchestra, the Russian State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography, the Moscow Youth Symphony Orchestra, symphony orchestras of Ulyanovsk and Lipetsk, the Symphony Orchestra of the Omsk Philharmonic, the Krasnodar Chamber Orchestra, the City Orchestra, symphony orchestras of Astana and Bishkek, the Creativa Camerata Orchestra, the Welsh Symphony Orchestra. The department organizes master classes of famous Russian and foreign musicians. The lessons given by Denis Michel, a French pianist and conductor, Head of the Schola Cantorum (France), and many other musicians were a great success.