Sound Engineering

Faculty Faculty of Modern Music Industry
Department Department of Sound Engineering
Available degrees Specialist (BA+MA equivalent) degree – 5 years full-time study, 300 ECTS. Assistantship – 2 years full-time study, 132 ECTS.
Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained

Achievements and awards.The 16th all-Russian Viktor Babushkin Student Sound Engineering Competition (2018): three first places in the Pop Music category and the third place in the Classical Music category. The Art of Sound International Sound Engineering Festival in Kazan: laureate certificates of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes in the Classical Music; Non-Classical Music; Media Sound categories. The International Student Sound Engineering Competition in Milan: the silver medal in the Traditional Studio Recording category.

Teaching staff.High-quality training is provided by the proficient teaching staff who are practicing sound directors with long-term work experience (they constantly release CD disks, broadcast events, carry out sound amplification of concerts in Russia and abroad).

Facilities and resources. The Department has a training studio with state-of-the-art equipment which creates a unique environment for in-house work placement. The academy has computer classes, a library, a record library, and classes with internet connection; free access to library collections (educational, scientific, reference literature) as well as audio and video recordings.

Education. Students of the department have an ample opportunity to successfully enter their profession during their studies thanks to eventful concert and performing and musical and educational activities of the academy’s concert halls. 

Employment opportunities. Graduates are employed at all leading venues of Moscow (the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Moscow Philharmonic Society, the Bolshoi Theater, the Stanislavsky Electrotheater, Moscow Theater of Musical, the State Theater of Nations, Graz Opera House (Austria), the Pavel Slobodkin Center, the Russia-Culture TV channel), collaborate with sound recording firms such as Melody, Pan Classics, Brilliant Classics, Fancy Music, Naxos, etc.

Strategic partners.Students undertake internships under the agreement with the Cinelab Sound Mix studio complex. For over 10 years students and teachers have been participating in conventions and educational programs of Audio Engineering Society, the world organization of sound engineers. In 2014 Gnesins Academy collaborated with AES to hold the 4th Central European Student Summit CESS 2014 Moscow which provides annual cycles of master classes Gnesin Sound Workshops for students from Russia and Europe.