Russian Harmonica and Gusli

Faculty Faculty of Folk Music Performance
Department Department of National Instruments of the Peoples of Russia
Available degrees Bachelor – 4 years full-time study, 240 ECTS. Master – 2 years full-time study, 120 ECTS.
Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained

Achievements and awards. Students are laureates and holders of grand-prix of all-Russian and international competitions, presidential grants, winners of the competition “Young Talents of Russia,” medalists of the World Championship in Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica “World Trophy,” medalists of the Delphic Games of Russia.

Teaching staff. Training is provided by the teaching staff including Doctors of Pedagogy, PhDs in Culturology, Honored Art Workers of the Russian Federation, People’s Artists of the Russian Federation, Honored Artists of the Mari El Republic, as well as laureates of international and all-Russian competitions.

Facilities and resources.The Academy has all the necessary training facilities and resources to ensure high quality of the educational process: specially equipped classrooms for individual and practical classes in special disciplines, computer classes, the library and record library collections that are regularly replenished, a reading hall with internet access, concert halls equipped with state-of-the-art recording and video equipment that ensures high-quality recording of concerts.

Education. The department annually holds the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Preservation of National Traditions in Folk Instrumental Art: Problems and Prospects” and the All-Russian competition festival “National Culture Symbols: Russian Ringing Gusli, Russian Harmonica.” In cooperation with the Department of Ethnomusicology and the Department of Solo Folk Singing the department organizes performance internships for students with the participation in the concerts “Gnesin students present: Preservation of folklore traditions of the peoples of Russia” as well as in the off-premise Russian ringing gusli and Russian harmonica concerts performed by the department in the regions of Russia. Students undertake their teaching internship at the premises of the Academy and at strategic partners’ institutions and organizations.

Strategic partners. The department cooperates with the District Cultural Center “Kupina” named after L.Ia. Zhuk (the Moscow Region, the Nakhabino Work Settlement), the Center for Creative Development and Music and Aesthetic Education “Radost,” the Novofedorovskoe Children’s Music School, the Moscow City Integrated Children’s School of Art “Izmaylovo,” and the Children’s School of Arts of the Losino-Petrovsky urban district.