Music Studies

Faculty Faculty of Music History, Theory and Composition
Department Department of Music Analysis; Department of Music Theory; Department of Music History
Available degrees Bachelor – 4 years full-time study, 240 ECTS. Master – 2 years full-time study, 120 ECTS. Specialist (BA+MA equivalent) degree – 5 years full-time study, 300 ECTS.
Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained

Achievements and awards. Students are laureates of various competitions (the International Student Music Research Competition, the Moscow, Music, PR competition, etc.).

Teaching staff. The educational process is implemented by three departments: the Department of Music History, the Department of Music Theory, and the Department of Music Analysis, as well as supported by other departments of the Faculty. Among the staff members are respected musicologists, internationally renowned scientists including Doctors of Arts and PhDs in History of Art, PhDs in Pedagogy, Professors, Associate Professors, Honored Cultural Workers of the RF, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the RF, Honored Workers of Higher Professional Education of the RF, Honored Art Workers of the RF, People’s Artists of the RF, laureates of the National Award of the RF. The lessons are given by internationally renowned scientists specializing in various fields of music studies: music theory and history, music folklore studies, musical psychology and pedagogy, psychology of musical ability, Russian medieval studies, source studies, textology, and other fields. They include the authors of monographs, textbooks and study guides, founders of scientific schools.

Facilities and resources. The Academy has computer classes, a library, a record library, and a reading hall with internet connection. The group classrooms and student lounges have free access to library collections (educational, scientific, reference literature) as well as audio and video recordings. The academy also has the Center for Music and Ethnography named after E.V. Gippius with a unique database of Gnesin’s folklore expeditions used by students for academic purposes.

Education. The departments use relevant teaching methods, interdisciplinary and interactive approaches to teaching. Students undertake educational, teaching, lecturing and philharmonic, archival and bibliographical research, journalism, folklore and ethnography internships.The departments hold master classes and meetings with leading art history representatives, scientific and practical conferences that bring together teachers and students of top Russian conservatories as well as educational institutions of appllied arts. Students practise the acquired knowledge and skills during the internship at the premises of the Academy (the Gnesins Memorial Flat Museum, for example) and outside the Academy (the Moscow International House of Music, the House of Scientists on Prechistenka, the P.I. Tchaikovsky Memorial House in Klin, the Russian National Museum of Music, etc.).

Research. Students participate in international scientific conferences and forums (“Research of Young Musicologists,” “Opera in Musical Theater,” “Music in the Modern World: Culture, Art, Education,” etc.), large-scale creative projects (“The Glass Bead Game,” “Gnesin Contemporary Music Week,” etc.). The student research and creativity society is also actively involved in education, journalism and concert performance.

Strategic partners. The Academy cooperates with the Moscow International House of Music, the House of Scientists on Prechistenka, the P.I. Tchaikovsky Memorial House in Klin, the Russian National Museum of Music, the State Institute of Art History; the Musical Life and Music and Time magazines, the Musical Review and Da capo al Fine newspapers, the Culture, Orpheus, Europe+ radio stations, the Culture TV channel, the Helikon and Novaya Opera Theaters, the Moscow International House of Music, the Bolshoi Theater. The departments actively interact with leading musical HEIs of Russia as well as foreign colleagues.