Music Journalism and Editorial Activities in Mass Media

Faculty Faculty of Music History, Theory and Composition
Department Department of Music Journalism
Available degrees Bachelor – 4 years full-time study, 240 ECTS. Master – 2 years full-time study, 120 ECTS.
Curriculum and skills obtained Curriculum and skills obtained

Achievements and awards. Students are laureates of all-Russian and international competitions (the International Student Music Research Competition, the Moscow, Music, PR competition, the Music. Cinema. Opinions.-XXI All-Russian Student Competition of Current Events Reviews, the Musical Dictation, etc.).

Teaching staff. The educational process is implemented at the degree-granting Department of music journalism. The teaching staff of the department includes Doctors of Arts, PhDs in Arts, Associate Professors. The teaching staff members have long-term work experience in various media fields.

Facilities and resources. Specially equipped classrooms for individual and practical classes in special disciplines, the library and record library collections that are regularly replenished.

Education. While implementing the program, the teaching staff members use relevant teaching methods, interdisciplinary and interactive approaches to teaching. Students do practical training, undertake teaching, lecturing and philharmonic, and journalism internships. Master students also have an opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies at Gnesins Academy.

Research. Students participate in international scientific conferences and forums (“Research of Young Musicologists,” “Opera in Musical Theater,” “Music in the Modern World: Culture, Art, Education,” etc.), large-scale creative projects (“The Glass Bead Game,” “Gnesin Contemporary Music Week,” etc.). The student research and creativity society is also actively involved in education, journalism and concert performance.

Strategic partners. The Moscow International House of Music, the Russia-Culture TV channel, the Musical Review and Musical Klondike newspapers, the Musical Life magazine, the Orpheus radio station, the Russian National Museum of Music, etc. Several times a year students can attend lectures given by music critic Geoffrey Norris from Great Britain.