Wind Orchestra Conducting and Russian Folk Orchestra Conducting

Faculty Faculty of Conducting
Department Department of Orchestral Conducting
Available degrees Bachelor – 4 years full-time study, 240 ECTS. Master – 2 years full-time study, 120 ECTS. Assistantship – 2 years full-time study, 132 ECTS.
Curriculum and skills obtained:

Wind Orchestra Conducting

Russian Folk Orchestra Conducting

Curriculum and skills obtained:

Wind Orchestra Conducting

Folk Orchestra Conducting

Curriculum and skills obtained:

Wind Orchestra Conducting

Folk Orchestra Conducting

*coming soon

Achievements and awards. Most students are laureates of prestigious all-Russian and international competitions. Students of the department enrolled in the Russian Folk Orchestra Conducting program regularly participate in and become laureates and diploma winners of international and all-Russian competitions: the All-Russian Competition for Conductors named after V.Dudarova (Moscow), the International Competition for Conductors “The Kama Region” (2016, 2017, 2018, Perm), the All-Russian Competition for Conductors of Symphony Orchestra (Kostroma), the International Children and Youth Musical Festival “Moscow Sounds,” the All-Russian Contest of Children and Youth Creativity “Musical Olympus,” the All-Russian Contest of Youth Wind Orchestras “Viva, Student”, the St. Petersburg Open Competition in Art of Conducting as part of the 3rd International Eurasian Festival The Silk Road: a Dialogue of Cultures.

Teaching staff. Students are trained by professors, associate professors, PhDs, People’s Artists of the Russian Federation, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Workers of the Russian Federation, Honored Cultural Workers of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Conductors do practical training in student ensembles such as the Academy Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments and the Orchestra of Wind Instruments.

Facilities and resources. The academy has all the necessary training facilities and resources to ensure high quality of the educational process: technical equipment and instruments, a sufficient number of educational materials, computers, a reading hall, numerous concert halls, a good library and a record library related to the educational program that are regularly replenished with new editions and audio and video recordings.

Education. Academic activity is maintained at a high level due to creative and concert performance activities. Students regularly attend concerts of modern outstanding performers, master classes of well-known conductors, participate in all-Russian and international competitions. The teaching staff members use student-centered and practice-oriented approaches, give creative interactive classes. Students undertake teaching and educational performance internships, participate in interuniversity student research conferences, publications being mandatory in conference proceedings.

Research. The department actively carries out research on conducting pedagogy and performance.

Strategic partners. The Yurlov Russian State Choir, the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, the Helikon-Opera Moscow Musical Theater, the Kolobov Novaya Opera Moscow Theater, the Speransky Opera Studio Theater, the Tchaikovsky Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra, the Svetlanov State Symphony Orchestra of Russia, the Nekrasov Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra, the Osipov National Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra, the Russian Weaves State Orchestra of Soloists, etc. The department also closely cooperates with, the Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of the Belgorod State Philharmonic Society, the Tula Municipal Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments “Yasnaya Poliana.” Since 2013 the academy has been maintaining professional contacts with University of Georgia and Higher School of Music of University of Georgia (Athens, the USA). The department cooperates with the Orchestra of Ethnic Musical Instruments named after the People’s Artist of Belarus L.Ivanov (Belarus), the Sogdiana Uzbek Chamber Folk Orchestra (Uzbekistan).