Choral Folk Singing and Solo Folk Singing

Faculty Faculty of Folk Music Performance
Department Department of Choral and Solo Folk Singing
Available degrees Bachelor – 4 years full-time study, 240 ECTS. Master – 2 years full-time study, 120 ECTS. Assistantship (Solo Folk Singing only) – 2 years full-time study, 132 ECTS.
Curriculum and skills obtained:

Choral Folk Singing

Solo Folk Singing

Curriculum and skills obtained:

Choral Folk Singing

Solo Folk Singing

Curriculum and skills obtained

*coming soon

Achievements and awards. The alumni of the department are famous People’s Artists of the Russian Federation: N.G. Babkina, A.P. Litvinenko, N.N. Kadysheva, L.G. Riumina, V.S. Deviatov, N.G. Bannova, M.N. Firsov, and many others.

Teaching staff. Training is provided by famous singers, heads of state professional folk song ensembles including the Kuban Cossack Choir and the North Russian Folk Choir: professors, associate professors, Doctors of Arts, Doctors of Culturology, PhDs in Pedagogy, holders of honorary titles of People’s Artist, Honored Artist, Honored Cultural Worker, Honored Worker of Higher Education, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the RF. 

Facilities and resources.The Academy has all the necessary training facilities and resources to ensure high quality of the educational process: specially equipped classrooms for individual and practical classes in special disciplines, computer classes, the library and record library collections that are regularly replenished, a reading hall with internet access, eight concert halls equipped with state-of-the-art recording and video equipment that ensures high-quality recording of concerts.

Education. Students are trained in two programs: Choral Folk Singing and Solo Folk Singing. Maestros of solo folk singing and heads of leading Russian folk choirs share their experience giving master classes. The department annually organizes all-Russian and international competition festivals and research and practice conferences on folk performance and education, for example: the All-Russian festival competition “Vechnye Istoki” (Eternal Origins) and hosts the scientific and practical conference devoted to folk song performance and education. Students perform with the Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments named after N.N. Nekrasov, the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov, the L.G. Zykina State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble “Rossiya,”  and other ensembles. 

Employment possibilities. Students undertake their internship in the Kuban Cossack Choir, the North Russian Folk Choir, the Russian Song Folklore Theater, the Russian Folk Choir Orchestra named after M.E. Pyatnitsky, the Academic Choir of Russian Song, the Ryazan Russian Folk Choir named after E.Popov, the Moscow Folklore Cultural Center under the direction of L. Riumina, the YaR – Marka folk group under the direction of V.Deviatov, the National Theater of Folk Music and Song “Golden Ring” with employment opportunities.

Strategic partners. The Academy collaborates with Mongolian State University of Culture and Arts (Ulan Bator), the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), the Belarusian State Academy of Music, the Masherov Vitebsk State University. It regularly holds Meet the Artist events with vocal and instrumental ensembles from Georgia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, New Zealand, Italy, and other countries.