Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Faculties & Departments

Educational programs
Teaching staff
Quality assurance policy
Piano faculty
Tatiana P. Levitina
Heads of departments:
Piano - Vladimir P. Ovchinnikov
Organ and Harpsichord - Alexander V. Fiseisky
Piano Accompaniment - Marina V. Kravets
Faculty of vocal studies
Natalia A. Dmitrieva
Heads of departments:
Solo singing №1 - Mikhail S. Agin
Solo singing №2 - Alexander A. Naumenko
Faculty of folk music performance
Anastasiya Y. Patoshina
Heads of departments:
Choral and Solo Folk Singing - Marina V. Medvedeva
National Instruments of the Peoples of Russia - Alexander S. Bazikov
Faculty of jazz and popular music
Valery A. Grokhovsky
Heads of departments:
Instrumental Jazz Performance - Vsevolod K. Timofeev
Pop and Jazz Singing - Ksenia V. Politkovskaya
Faculty of modern music industry
Denis I. Morozov
Heads of departments:
Performing Arts Production - Oleg V. Ivanov
Music Management - Daria G. Rodionova
Sound Engineering - Alexander V. Mikhlin