Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Journal «Scientific Notes of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Sciences»

Rules for the design, submission and review of articles

Previously unpublished scientific articles, the topics of which correspond to the scientific specialty 17.00.02 - Musical Art, are accepted for consideration. The main criteria for selecting articles are compliance with the topic of the journal, scientific novelty, relevance and validity of the results of scientific research proposed for publication, a high professional level of their presentation, as well as compliance with scientific ethics.

Authors send their articles by email to the editorial office of the journal or transmit them directly to the editor on any electronic media. Manuscripts of articles received by the editor, within 5 working days, first undergo an initial review to ensure compliance with the general requirements of the journal, including the editors checking all received manuscripts for illegal borrowings (plagiarism). In their work, the editors of the journal are guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation regarding copyright. In case of reasonable suspicion of plagiarism, articles will not be accepted for further consideration. It is strictly prohibited to quote verbatim without indicating the source, including the use of any graphic files without indicating the source, and extensive paraphrasing of the works of other authors without indicating the source.

The decision to publish a scientific article is made by the editorial board of the journal based on the opinion of the reviewer (more about reviewing ↗) taking into account the correspondence of the presented materials to thematic focus periodicals, their scientific significance and relevance. In priority order, the editorial board articles that have recommendations for publication from university departments and divisions are considered research organizations. Postgraduate students, candidates for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, recommendation from the department required. Based on the decision of the editorial board, the overall assessment of the article is given: accepted for publication / recommended for revision, taking into account the correction of reviewers' comments / rejected due to formalities or actual scientific grounds. The editor-in-chief of the journal informs the author about the decision made and indicates possible deadlines publication of an article

Requirements for articles

  1. The volume of the article is from 15 to 30 thousand characters (including spaces), including a bibliographic list (recommended minimum 7–10 titles of scientific literature, prepared in accordance with GOST 7.0.100–2018 and GOST 7.0.5–2008), with 3–5 illustrations and/or musical examples. Works beyond the specified scope are considered by the editorial board on an exceptional basis.
  2. The text of the article must be typed on a computer in MS Word (*.docx or*.doc format) in Times font New Roman (font size 12–14 points with single or one and a half spacing).
  3. The bibliography must contain new literature for the last 5 years without fail. Literature is cited only if it is cited or mentioned in the text of the article.
  4. All illustrative materials—music examples, photographs, tables, diagrams—are sent in separate files in *.jpg or*.tif format, minimum resolution is 300dpi (for tables, diagrams and music examples—600dpi). Scanned materials must be processed in “grayscale” mode.

The article must be attached

  1. An abstract in Russian and English of at least 150 words. Annotation structure:

    * 1 paragraph - Subject of research;

    * Paragraph 2 - Research method or methodology;

    * Paragraph 3 - Scientific novelty and conclusions.

  2. 7 - 10 keywords (in Russian and English).
  3. Brief information about the author: last name, first name and patronymic in Russian and English in the author’s transliteration, academic degree and title, place of work, position with the full name of the department, e-mail.

The editors have the right to make editorial changes to the text of submitted manuscripts.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the authors transfer the rights to publish manuscripts to the founder and publisher of the journal (Gnessin Russian Academy of Music) on the basis of a non-exclusive license, for which they fill out the relevant agreement forms and submit them to the editor (in person or by mail: 121069 , Povarskaya st., 30/36).

When submitting an article, authors guarantee that the work for which they are transferring the rights to use is their original work, and that this article has not previously been officially transferred to anyone for reproduction or other use. If authors have used fragments of the works of other authors and/or their publications, they must provide appropriate links to the works mentioned.

The journal “Scientific Notes of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music” adheres to an open access business model. The magazine is distributed on the Internet information and telecommunications network free of charge, articles are available for review without any restrictions.

The authors retain all the rights of the owners of manuscripts - the right of authorship to this work and other personal non-property rights established by law. The founder owns the copyright to the magazine as a whole. The authors bear full responsibility for the content of their articles and for the very fact of their publication. The editors of the journal, as well as its founder and publisher, do not bear any liability to the authors and/or third parties and organizations for possible damage caused by the publication of their articles.

Articles in the journal are published on a royalty-free basis. Each author has the right to receive two free copies of the journal in which his article was published.

There is no fee for publishing articles from authors.

In the event of a conflict of interest at any stage of consideration of the article, in order to prevent harm to the legitimate interests and scientific reputation of the parties to the conflict, the information is immediately brought to the attention of the editor-in-chief. Preventing and resolving conflicts of interest may include any measures up to and including removal of an article from publication.

The opinions of the authors of articles on certain scientific issues may not coincide with the position of the editorial board of the journal.