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Journal «Scientific Notes of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Sciences»

Chief editor
Publisher and editors
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Gnessin Academy of Music"
121069, Moscow, st. Povarskaya, 30–36

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Subscription index according to United catalog «Russian Press» - 91258
About the magazine

The journal «Scholarly Papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music» is a collection of modern scientific research in the field of musicology, including in the field of its new sections, such as musical psychology, musical sociology, music management, musical semiotics, musical narratology, musical anthropology, music pedagogy.

The journal «Scholarly Papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music» is indexed in the system of the Scientific Electronic Library «eLibrary» and is included in the national bibliographic database of scientific citations of the Russian Science Citation Index.

Impact factor according to RSCI 2017 - 0.047

List of thematic sections of the magazine

Main objectives of the magazine:

  • support and popularization of research in the field of musicology,
  • coverage of the latest problems and techniques
  • systematization and storage of information.

Previously unpublished scientific articles are accepted for consideration, the topics of which correspond to the specialties 5.10.1 «Theory and history of culture, art» and 5.10.3 «Types of art (Musical art)» of the branch of science «Art History», as well as the specialty «Pedagogy» 5.8.7 «Methodology and technology of vocational education».

The publication is addressed to musicologists-researchers, teachers, students and graduate students of universities of culture and art, as well as everyone interested in the problems of modern musicology. Articles are published in Russian.

The magazine publishes:

  • articles about current problems of modern musicology and music pedagogy;
  • results of the latest research by domestic musicologists;
  • monuments of world music science;
  • translations of works by foreign authors of the 20th–21st centuries;
  • reviews of new books about music.

Founder and publisher of the magazine:

The founder and publisher of the magazine is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian Gnessin Academy of Music» (Moscow, Russian Federation).

Publishing activities of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music began immediately after its founding, in the first post-war years. Over the 70 years of its existence, the publishing house has published over 500 scientific publications: monographs, conference proceedings, collections of scientific articles. The list of Academy publications since 2007 can be found on the main website.

Since the 2nd quarter of 2012, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music has been publishing the scientific journal «Scholarly Papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music» (ISSN 2227-9997). Periodicity of publication: 4 issues per year.

Since June 6, 2017, it has been included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences and for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are published.

Open Access Policy

The journal «Scholarly Papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music» adheres to a completely open access business model. The magazine is distributed on the Internet information and telecommunications network free of charge, articles are available for review without any restrictions. This model is used to facilitate the process of disseminating scientific research results, stimulating the transfer of knowledge within the field, and increasing the availability of information among the readership. In their work, the editors of the journal are guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation regarding copyright. The authors transfer to the founder and publisher of the journal the rights to publish manuscripts on the basis of a non-exclusive license; the authors retain all the rights of the owners of manuscripts - the right of authorship to this work and other personal non-property rights established by law. The founder owns the copyright to the magazine as a whole. Authors are not charged for publishing articles.