Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
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of nations of the Russian Federation

Journal «Contemporary Musicology»

Conditions for submitting an article to the publishing house

The work submitted to the editors of the journal “Modern Problems of Musicology” should not have been previously published in other publishing houses; The author also should not simultaneously submit it for consideration to other publishing houses.

The decision to publish must be approved by all authors (in case of co-authorship).

The article cannot be published anywhere else in the same form in Russian, English or other languages, including in electronic form, without the written consent of the copyright holder (publisher).

The procedure for submitting and passing a manuscript to the editorial office

The manuscript and accompanying materials can be submitted in electronic form (editor's address: gnesinsjournal@gnesin-academy .ru).

Preliminary review of the manuscript is carried out by the editor-in-chief of the journal “Modern Problems of Musicology” and members of the editorial board. The compliance of the content of the manuscript with the subject of the journal and the general requirements for its design, volume and scientific significance is determined. A manuscript may be rejected at the stage prior to review if there are compelling reasons for this: the topic of the article does not correspond to the scientific specialty defined for the journal; the article was previously published in another publication; the article does not meet the required level of scientific quality; in the submitted materials, a fundamental contradiction was revealed with the ethical principles to which the Journal adheres (see the Ethics section for more details), including plagiarism.

Based on the results of the preliminary review, the article is sent for review (see the section Review process Ethics for more details).

The author's full reasoned refusal to follow the reviewer's recommendations is stated in writing. In this case, at the request of the author, the manuscript is sent by the editor-in-chief for additional consideration and new reviewers are appointed. If the authors ignore the recommendations of the editors and its rules, then the article is not published, of which the authors are notified by a letter fr om the editor-in-chief with arguments for the reasons for the impossibility of publishing the article in this form.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

All issues of the journal and each author's article are assigned a DOI.

Text formatting requirements

The article is typed on a computer using MS Word (A4 format; margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm; line spacing - 1.5, 14- font size, paragraph indent 1.25, font Times New Roman, justified). In the text of the article it is allowed to use italics, bold italics, and bold italics. Underlining text and using Caps Lock are not permitted. Publication pages are numbered and headers and footers are not created.

The volume of the article is from 10,000 to 30,000 characters with spaces, not counting the abstract and keywords (in Russian and English), music examples, illustrations, diagrams, applications, list of sources (in Russian and English .)

Article structure

Format must comply with GOST R 7.0.7-2021 (“Articles in journals and collections”) https ://ifap.ru/library/gost/7072021.pdf

Home page:

  • article title (Caps Lock not allowed)
  • UDC, which should reflect the topic of the article in sufficient detail. See: https://udcsummary.info/php/index.php?lang =ru&pr=Y
  • name, patronymic, surname of the author (Caps Lock not allowed)
  • full name of the institution wh ere the author works, city, country
  • author's email address
  • ORCID registration number
  • photo by the author(s).

Abstract: volume about 250 words

The abstract should reflect the content of the article, goals and objectives, methods and describe the main conclusions. The content of the article should be clear fr om it without reference to the publication itself.

The title of the article and abstract should contain the most important keywords.

The editors reserve the right, if necessary, to modify the annotation and author's signature or order a new version of the text from the translator.

Key words: 5–10 words.

The list of keywords should contain basic phrases and terms that maximally reflect the content of the study (main provisions, results and conclusions) and facilitate the process of searching for an article through bibliographic databases.

Acknowledgements: The section is placed after the keywords. It contains words of gratitude to organizations and individuals who provided any assistance to the author(s) in conducting the research, preparing the work (supervisors, editors, sponsors, etc.), information about grants, projects, etc. Authors may also express gratitude to the reviewers for useful comments.

Main text of the article: For original research articles, the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, i.e. Introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion) is welcome. . Articles written in other genres (review, etc.) should be structured (contain subsections) according to the logic of the work.

Footnotesshould be placed at the bottom of pages and numbered sequentially throughout the article. It should be remembered that footnotes are additional, not the main material of the article, and the author must regulate their number.

Linksto sources are given within the text in square brackets (for example: [5, p. 25]). Sources are numbered in the order they are cited in the text.

Citation in the text.

You must ensure that all references given in the text are present in the list of sources (and vice versa).

The permissible volume of citations (correct borrowing; detected using the Anti-Plagiarism program) is no more than 30% of the total volume of the article. Reviews and other articles that, for objective reasons, require a larger number of citations are considered by the editors on an individual basis.

Articles, the content of which is more than 30% consistent with other scientific materials of the author (dissertation, abstract, monograph, previous publications in journals and collections; identified using the Anti-Plagiarism program), are not accepted for publication.

All text selections inside quotes are specified in square brackets, for example: [italics by the author. - I.F.] or [italics mine. - I.F.], wh ere I.F. are the initials of the author’s first and last name.

Graphic images.

Diagrams, tables, photographs, drawings, illustrations, musical examples are numbered and given with names (signatures) or headings in two languages ​​(Russian and English).

Illustrations and musical examples are made using computer graphics or notography. The typed musical text is converted into drawing format with a resolution of 600 dpi. Musical examples must have continuous numbering and be mentioned in the text of the article (Example No. 1, etc.); in the example itself, in addition to its number, the author with initials, the title of the work, its part, etc. must be indicated.

For each illustration, you must indicate the resource from which it was taken (museum, private collection, archive, private photo archive, book, website with URL address, etc.). For musical examples, it is sufficient to indicate the musical edition or manuscript source.

List of sources and References: The article must be accompanied by a List of sources, including articles from scientific journals with DOI numbers and published over the last five years. The number of sources cited depends on the genre of the published article. Links to archival documents, rare publications, books and other materials are given in footnotes at the bottom of the pages.

The same List of sources translated into English - References - is provided in a separate block in accordance with the data posted on journal websites or in the “For citation” sections. If there are foreign sources in the list, they are completely repeated in References.

The list of used literature in Russian is drawn up in accordance with GOST GOST R 7.0.7-2021 (“Articles in magazines and collections”) https://ifap.ru/library/gost/7072021.pdf

References are formatted according to APA (American Psychological Association) rules https:// apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references

Signature(s) of the author(s): at the end of the article the initials, surname(s) of the author(s), position(s), academic degree(s) are given ).

Accompanying materials for the article.

Information about the author - a short text of no more than 100 words.

The following information is indicated:

  • The author's first and last name, the name of the institution he represents, email address and ORCID registration number;
  • brief information about the position, scientific degree (for a graduate student, only the name of the university is given).

Profile detailsof the author(s) (not published, but necessary for dialogue with the editor) are attached as a separate file to the article:

  • last name, first name, patronymic in full;
  • full name of place of work;
  • work or home address;
  • phone number.

Checklist for preparing an article for submission

As part of the article submission process, authors must verify that their article meets all of the following points; articles may be returned to the authors if they do not meet these requirements.

  1. Work submitted to editors of the journal “Modern Problems of Musicology”, should not have been previously published in another other publishing houses.
  2. The author must also not simultaneously submit it for consideration to other publishing houses.
  3. The decision to publish must be approved by all authors (in case of co-authorship).
  4. The article cannot be published anywhere else in the same form in Russian, English or other languages, including in electronic form, without the written consent of the copyright holder (publisher).
  5. The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described above, located on the “Rules for Article Formatting” tab.

Copyright transfer terms

Authors whose articles are accepted for publication in the journal “Modern Problems of Musicology” agree to the following conditions:

  1. The authors retain copyright to the work and grant the journal the right of first publication of the work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY-NC).
  2. The authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual arrangements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of a version of the work as published here (for example, posting it in the institute repository, publication in a book) with a link to its original publication in this journal.
  3. Authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (for example, in an institute repository or on a personal website) before and during the process its consideration by this journal, as this contributes to productive discussion and more active citation.

Authors whose articles were accepted for publication based on the results of review must sign a License Agreement:

  • License agreement for one author
  • License agreement for several authors

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered on this magazine's website will be used solely for the purposes designated by this magazine and will not be used for any other purpose or provided to other individuals or organizations.