Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Network quarterly publication “Musical Art of Eurasia”

General requirements for articles

Online scientific publication “Musical Art of Eurasia. Traditions and Modernity" accepts for publication previously unpublished (including in electronic form) articles, as well as reviews of scientific, musical and bibliographic publications.

The issues of scientific articles and reviews published in the journal cover the following areas: research related to specialties 5.10.3 “Types of art (music)” (previously 17.00.02 – “Musical art”) and 5.10.1 “Theory and history of culture, art” (previously 17.00.09 – “Theory and history of art” ).

The volume of the article text is 0.5–1.0 pp. (from 20 to 40 thousand characters, taking into account spaces and text of bibliographic references), the number of music examples and/or illustrations is no more than 10. Due to the specifics of the article material, in agreement with the editorial board, it is possible that the specified volume of one of the components (text, music examples) may be exceeded , illustrations) at the expense of the others.

A larger article may be accepted as an exception by a special decision of the editorial board.

The article is accompanied by a bibliographic list that includes at least 10 sources, of which at least 30 percent are in the main European languages ​​(the absence of foreign sources is acceptable for articles whose problems are regionally localized).

To review an article for revision, authors must send the following materials to the email address mieatis@mail.ru in separate files in .doc format (Microsoft Word Document 1997-2003):

  • Information about the author:
    a) for publication, in Russian and English - full name, e-mail, academic degree, academic title, place of work (full name ) and position;
    b) for drawing up a publication agreement - home address, contact phone number, passport details;
  • Brief biography (up to 1000 characters) in Russian and English, which can be published;< /li>
  • The title of the article, abstract (up to 500 characters, but not less than 3 sentences, the abstract should briefly reflect the content of the article and the conclusions obtained) and keywords (5-7 positions) - in Russian and English;
  • The text of the article without illustrations, diagrams and musical examples, containing relevant references to the necessary graphic materials;
  • List of used literature;
  • Graphic materials (note music examples, diagrams, illustrations) in .tif/.jpg formats with a resolution of 300 dots per inch (300dpi) are sent as separate files; additional music examples can also be sent in the formats of the Finale or Sibelius.

    Providing examples only in music editor formats does not guarantee the possibility of inserting them into the article due to possible incompatibilities of program versions. With the exception of photographs and copies of handwritten sources, all graphic materials must be designed using computer editing tools (Finale, Sibelius, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Paint, etc.).

    Each file must contain the surname in its title author and date of sending to the editor (for example: Ivanov-31.03.17.doc, Alexeev_28-02-17.doc). Files with graphic materials in their names must additionally contain numbering corresponding to their position in the main text (for example: Ivanov-31.03.17-Example-1.jpg, Alekseev_28-02-17_ill_4.jpg, Solntsev31.01.17Schema_2.tif).

Manuscript design

The main text is provided in computer typesetting:

Font - Times New Roman, size of the main text - 12 pt, footnotes - 10 pt. Line spacing is single. The paragraph indent is 1.25 cm (the use of tabs or spaces is not allowed), the spacing between paragraphs is 0 pt. Text alignment is justified. The use of word breaks and paragraph break prohibitions is not allowed. Pages are not numbered, headers and footers are not filled in. Footnotes are page-by-page, numbered consecutively. Page format: A4, orientation: portrait. Page margins are normal (top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm).

Minimal means are used to highlight text:

  • for the main text - italics, 
  • for internal subheadings - bold font.

The use of underlined, strikethrough text, as well as space and case emphasis (for example, writing in capital letters) is permissible only in exceptional cases related to the need to convey the graphic features of cited sources, as well as to highlight the address Internet source (single underlining of links). 

Highlighting, changing font color, changing font size are not allowed. Automatic bullets, icons and graphic inserts in the text are not allowed.

To supplement the main text, page-by-page footnotes with continuous numbering are used.

Genre titles of works are written in capital letters, without quotation marks.

Ordinal numbers of symphonies, concerts, sonatas are given in words.

Op designations are not separated from the title by a comma, the mark “op.” (“opus”) is written in Latin.

Example: Prelude in B minor op. 7 No. 2, Second Piano Concerto op. 29.

Note directions are indicated in Latin in italics (Adagio)

Tonalities are indicated in Latin in regular font (C-dur, g-moll), the names of sounds are indicated in Latin letters in italics: h, C fa ut, la1.

For the dash sign ( — ), use the key combination [Ctrl+Alt+minus]; for the “en dash” (–), used between numbers, use the combination [Ctrl+minus]

Dates are indicated by numbers: centuries - Roman, years and decades - Arabic.

The use of Russian letters “Х”, “У”, “Ш”, “П” in writing Roman numerals is not allowed.

The main text should not contain unspecified abbreviations, abbreviations and symbols.

Of the unspecified abbreviations, only the following are allowed: “etc.”, “etc.,” “see,” “cit.”, “cf.”, “No.”, “USSR”, “RSFSR” , “CIS”, “USA”, “GDR”, “FRG”, as well as the notes “approx.” (“note”), “ed.” and the initials of the authors in comments to quotations and in footnotes and brief indications of the language during translation (“English”, “French”, “Latin”). 

Of the non-specified symbols, only those are acceptable that relate to tonal functions and short notation of intervals and chords, and only if they are used in the context of harmonic chains or explanatory enumerations.

A link to an example/illustration in the text of the article is given in parentheses exclusively in the following format:

(Example 1), (Illustration 3).

Examples and illustrations must be captioned in the following format:

Example 1. J. S. Bach. Prelude in C major from the cycle “The Well-Tempered Clavier” (Volume II). Measures 1-10. Rectangles indicate cadence sections.

To design quotes and names, quotes are used - “”, inside quotes - ordinary “”.

Omissions in quotations are indicated by <…>. Additions to quotes are made in square brackets (for example: “from [his] year”), in the case of additions with whole words - in corner brackets (for example: “A B”). When commenting inside a quotation, the comment is written in square brackets, and a brief indication of the authorship of the additions is required in italics, including the separator “dash” (for example: “soft [that is, minor - A.A.] mode”).

Any quotation (direct or indirect) must be accompanied by a link to the source, which must be indicated in the “Literature” section after the main text.

Links are indicated in square brackets

  • number of the cited source from the list of references and, in case of precise indication,
  • page (column, sheet) number, written comma-separated in italics, or a range of pages (columns, sheets). 

Of the permissible letter designations, only the mark “ about." (reverse) links to handwritten sources. Markings “s.”, “page”, “stb.”, “l.”, as well as the introduction of instructions like “See” inside square brackets. and "cit. by:" are not allowed. It is also not allowed to indicate section numbers in references (“vol. I”, “chapter 2” “book 3”), etc. 

Roman numerals are allowed only in page numbering if in the source they are indicated in exactly this format. Example of a reference: [12, 362]. 

To avoid questions about excluding unnecessary notes from footnotes, sources in the list of references should not be composite. When referring to articles from collections, fragments from multi-volume publications, collections of heterogeneous materials, references to the entire collection, the entire multi-volume publication and the entire collection are not allowed.

The publications in the list are arranged in alphabetical order, with publications in Russian coming first.

Names of sources in languages ​​that do not use the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet are given in Latin transliteration with the original language indicated at the end of the link.

Bibliographic references are prepared in accordance with the standards of GOST R 7.0.5. — 2008.

It is imperative to indicate the publisher and the total number of pages - for monographs, page numbers in collections and magazines - for articles.

The procedure for processing the output data of sources. — for simple sources: Author A. A. Title. Volume. Book. Part. Release. Edition. City: Publisher, year.

Number of pages. (Series). — for sources included in composite non-periodical publications: Author A. A. Title // Name of the composite publication. Volume. Book. Part. Issue.

Edition / Compilers, editors, editorial board, authors of comments, annotations, prefaces. City: Publisher, year. Page range. (Series). — for sources included in composite periodicals: Author A. A. Title // Name of the composite publication. Year. Number. Range of pages.

  • for electronic sources, the following headings are added to the specified headings: URL: site address (access date: DD.MM.YYYY).
  • archival sources are designed according to the model of composite publications.
  • references to Russian-language dissertations and abstracts must contain an indication of the specialty number.
    In the absence of significant fields (author’s name, title, city, publisher, year), a special indication of this is made in square brackets (respectively: [ b. aut.], [b. name], [b. i.], [b. g.]).

In case of inconsistency manuscripts requirements for the preparation of articles, the editorial board reserves the right to refuse publication without consideration by the reviewer.

Procedure for consideration, review and publication of articles

  1. Submitted articles are submitted for preliminary consideration to the journal's editorial board and are checked for correctness of citations and degree of originality in the Anti-Plagiarism system. The review period is up to 30 days. The material may not be allowed for publication before reviewing - if it is revealed that its subject matter does not correspond to the profile of the journal, is insufficient or exceeded in volume, does not comply with design rules, carelessness or inconsistency of presentation, a large number of grammatical errors, as well as low indicators of the originality of the text and the presence of incorrect borrowings.< /li>
  2. The publication reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office and pre-approved (see paragraph 1) for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of the materials being reviewed and have published on the subject of the article being reviewed over the past 3 years. Reviews are stored in the publishing house and in the editorial office for 5 years.
  3. Reviewing is carried out anonymously with the involvement of two independent experts.
  4. Reviewers give an opinion on the advisability of publishing the article - in its existing form or after the author’s revision.
  5. The review period is 60 days.
  6. If the text requires significant changes, then the updated version of the article is sent to the same specialists for re-review.
  7. The editors of the publication send copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when the editorial office receives a corresponding request.
  8. If the issue of publication is resolved positively, the author and publisher enter into a licensing agreement.
  9. Articles are submitted by authors to the editor free of charge.
  10. All articles published in the journal are placed in the scientometric database of the Russian Science Citation Index.
  11. There is no charge for publication.