Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Network quarterly publication «Musical Art of Eurasia»

Chief editor
Publisher and editors
Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky
125009, Moscow, st. B. Nikitskaya, 13/6, building 1
About the magazine

Online quarterly publication «Musical Art of Eurasia.Traditions and Modernity» was established on the initiative of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, together with the Ural State Conservatory named after M. P. Mussorgsky and the Kazan State Conservatory named after N. G. Zhiganov, in September 2020 and published in October 2020.

The subject matter of the publication includes various aspects of the musical culture of the peoples inhabiting Eurasia, from the point of view of the specifics of ethnic musical traditions and their interactions. Naturally, this thematic focus attracted a wide range of partners of the publication both in Russia and abroad.

The issues of scientific articles and reviews published in the journal cover areas of research related to specialties 5.10.3 «Arts (music)» (previously 17.00.02 – «Musical art») and 5.10.1 «Theory and history of culture and art» (previously 17.00.09 – «Theory and history of art»).

Publication languages: Russian, English.

Editorial ethics

Editorial ethics of the Journal «Musical Art of Eurasia. Traditions and Modernity» is based on the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the provision of copyright and on the ethical principles declared by the community of publishers of scientific periodicals Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and principles approved by the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers «Ethical Principles of Scientific Publishing».

The editors are responsible for the quality of published scientific articles and ensure compliance with publication ethics by members of the editorial board, reviewers and authors. Materials the content of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation are not allowed for publication.

Editorial staff are required to:

  • be impartial, do not give preference to authors based on gender, race, religious beliefs, citizenship, ethnicity, political beliefs, official position and other conditions not related to the scientific value of the work;
  • have no conflict of interest in relation to the articles they accept or reject;
  • involve competent specialists in reviewing, use the practice of double (blind) reviewing;
  • keep editorial secrets and not disclose personal data of authors and reviewers;
  • conscientiously edit texts accepted for publication, coordinate the edits with the authors.

Authors are obliged:

  • ensure scientific novelty and high scientific level of materials submitted to the editor;
  • guarantee the exclusivity of the materials provided (the article cannot be previously published or proposed in another publication);
  • indicate all participants as co-authors who made a significant contribution to the research;
  • avoid plagiarism, provide links to sources, ensure accuracy of citations;
  • be ready to cooperate with the editors at all stages of working with materials;
  • indicate information about financial sources of support for the research results reflected in the materials.

Reviewers must:

  • be impartial, strive for objectivity in assessing the materials being reviewed, and make constructive comments;
  • in case of insufficient competence to objectively evaluate the received materials, report this circumstance;
  • maintain the confidentiality of the expert assessment, do not use the information obtained during the review for personal purposes or in the interests of other persons;
  • ensure timely review.