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Classes, concert halls and equipment

Control room of the Academy (Classroom management Department) 
Ground floor of the Main Academy Building (to the left of the turnstile)., view map ↗
Control Room of the Gnesin State Musical College
Ground floor of the College Building, view map ↗
Control room of the Musical College of Pop and Jazz Art
Bldg. 1, 27/6, Bolshaya Ordynka Str., Moscow, view map ↗

About equipment and technical base

The Academy has the necessary equipment and technical base for the implementation of the educational process that fully meet the requirements of syllabuses. The Academy is based in four buildings suitable for educational and scientific activities; there is also a student dormitory in a separate building assigned to the Academy.

The level of educational equipment meets the requirements of the HEFSS. The Academy has a large set of musical instruments: more than 80 types with more than 800 instruments available for use and suitable for persons with disabilities. Educational and training facilities have the necessary equipment, including video projection and sound amplifying equipment, computers, a library and collections of video/audio footage, as well as a studio and much more.

College building

Classroom-based resources

A musician needs to practice regularly to improve his or her technique. Therefore, the Academy uses its classroom-based resources. To reserve a classroom on your own, you must visit the Control Room and leave your student ID card ↗ in exchange for the classroom key. If there are no vacant classrooms, you can wait until some of them get free. As a rule, there are free classrooms either early in the morning or in the evening, after 6 pm.

Note! Often lost things (student ID cards, grade books and bank cards) are brought to the Control Room.

Leasing a musical instruments

If you are a student of the Academy, you can lease a musical instrument for training. 

  1. Contact the Musical Instruments Storage Department along with your teacher. 

  2. Then you can select an instrument and sign a lease agreement. This is a fee-based service. The term of agreement amounts to 1 academic year. 

  3. Before the summer holidays, the instrument should be returned to the Musical Instruments Storage Department.
    Location: Main Academy Building, behind the stage of the Large concert hall, vew map ↗.
    E-mail: g.norshtein@gnesin-academy.ru

The classrooms available in the academic buildings comprise

  1. Classes for individual studies, including those with special equipment or musical instruments installed in them; 

  2. Classes for small groups (up to 15 seats);

  3. Classes for lectures (up to 30 seats), including specialized computer classes equipped with computers, acoustic consoles, CD players, sound processors;

  4. Auditoriums (up to 50 seats), including those for special needs: a class for orchestral rehearsals, dance hall, etc.;

  5. Large auditoriums (up to 100 seats) for lectures and rehearsals of music ensembles;

  6. Large and Small concert halls (503 and 100 seats), Shuvalova’s Music room (100 seats), Chamber hall (50 seats), Organ concert room (50 seats);

  7. Two concert halls with 312 seats and 120 seats in the College building;

  8. Language laboratory;

  9. Reading room;

  10. Sound engineering studio;

  11. Audio-video recording laboratory;

  12. Canteen;

  13. Sports hall and gym.

The equipment and technical base is constantly updated as part of the long-term financial plan of the Academy available for review on the official website.

Large concert hall
How can I get a student id card?
Learn more about concert halls at the Gnesin Academy of Music
Russian language
View Interactive map of the Academy