Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Evgeny A. Sergeev

Lecturer at the Music Master Training Department

Сергеев Евгений Александрович


Evgeny Sergeev was born in Moscow in 1986. He received music education at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (class of prof. P. Nersessian) and Master of Music degree at Gnesins Academy of Music (class of prof. T. Zelikman). Also he participated in master-classes of prof. A. Vardi, D. Bashkirov, M. Raekallio.

Since 2015 he has been working at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Gnesins Academy of Music in the departments of Vocal arts as an accompanist. Since 2017 he works in the vocal academy of the International Winter Art Festival of Y. Bashmet in Sochi under the direction of prof. D. Vdovin, where he collaborated with such famous vocal coaches as Alessandro Amoretti, Giulio Zappa, Brenda Hurley, Lyubov Orfenova.

He repeatedly was awarded diplomas to the best accompanist of numerous vocal competitions, in particular the chamber singing competition named after Z. Dolukhanova "The Amber Nightingale" (Kaliningrad, 2018).

He leads active concert activities, solo and with vocalists in Russia and abroad.