Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Yuliya I. Agisheva

Head of the Department of Musical Journalism

Агишева Юлия Ивановна


Musicologist. Lecturer. Critic. Scholar. Linguist. Teacher of English.
Ph.D. in Art History (Dissertation: Jugendstil in Music (through the examples of works of Max Reger and Franz Schreker. 2005)
Senior Lecturer, Head of the Department of Musical Journalism of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music (Moscow). 

Y.Agisheva was born in Minsk (Belarus) in 1975, finished the Gnessins Special Music School as a pianist and a musicologist. In 1998 graduated from the Gnssin Russian Academy of Music as a musicologist. In 2001 finished Post-Graduate Courses of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music.

In 2010 graduated from the University Russian Academy of Education as a linguist and a teacher of English.

Y.Agisheva has been working at the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music since 1998.

  • 2010-2012 – Head of the Department of Foreign Languages
  • 2012-2018 – Head of the Department of Musical-Applied Arts
  • 2018-till present – Head of the Department of Musical Journalism
Y.Agisheva delivers lectures on History of Fine Art, Theatre Directing in the XXth century, Harmony, English, Basics of a Professional Translation, Scientific research of students at bachelor, master and post-graduate courses at the Academy. 

Publication in English:

Composer Elizabeth Lutyens: Contribution to Serialism // Space of Culture. Burganov House. 2019. No. 4. pp. 147-160.