Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
The most valuable object of cultural heritage
of nations of the Russian Federation

Sociology - modern dominants

This project is dedicated to the most relevant and influential social science - Sociology. It affects each of us. There is not a single person who would not be touched by such issues, which are closely studied by this science. These are such topics as: stratification of society, urbanisation, differentiation of society... Elite and its influence. Finally, the very topical issue of migration and the resulting issues of culture and education. The theme of family and marriage also affects modern society. Here is the battlefield for man and his future. How do the rapidly changing contemporary changes affect the individual and society? Sociology seeks answers to all these challenges. It has a sufficient body of knowledge, but life moves on and so does science. In this project and students are looking for ways to address the major challenges of the times, through submitting their essay to the project.