The Academy has The Gnesins Alumni Employment Service, which is responsible for a set of activities aimed at maintaining relations with employers and graduates, including cooperation with enterprises and organizations – potential employers; collection and analysis of information on current trends in the labor market, the requirements for job seekers, and raising students’ awareness of these matters; development of a vacancies database offered by employers in the fields relevant for graduates of the Academy; promoting the competitiveness of graduates aimed at providing maximum employment opportunities; taking organizational measures to increase the efficiency of graduates’ employment.
Starting from 1944, the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music has produced more then 16,000 specialists. Among these are well-known names in a number of musical genres: Evgeny Svetlanov, Nikolay Nekrasov, Zara Dolukhanova, Timofei Dokshitser, Yuri Kazakov, Lyudmila Zykina, Mikael Tariverdiev, Iosif Kobzon, Vladimir Dashkevich, Victor Eliseev, Vladimir Matorin, Aleksandr Rudin, Irina Otieva, Nadezhda Babkina, Aleksandr Gradsky and Evgeny Kissin.
Not only soloists , but also a number of renowned groups have emerged from the halls of the Gnesins institution: the State Academic Chamber Choir conducted by Vladimir Minin; the Dmitry Pokrovsky Folk Music Theater; and the Vadim Sudakov State Capella of Moscow. Many of the graduates are now professors at the Academy: Valentine Levko, Vladimir Fedoseyev, Ivan Mozgovenko, Konstantin Lisovskii, Vladimir Tonkha, Anatoly Kroll, Friedrich Lips, Andrey Gorbachev and others. New names are heard and seen in courses, posters, forum programs, festivals and conferences. The world’s musical culture is regularly expanded with new names of Gnesins graduates, while the structures of their alma mater remain traditional.